We offer content and homebrew advice for DnD 5th Edition.
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Meet the Gnomes!
Nic and Connor are the real deal. Insofar as "the real deal" is an empty phrase that can mean anything. One allegedly "went to school for this kind of stuff" and the other jumps off of buildings for a living. They've got years of experience homebrewing and game designing and plenty of hours on both sides of the GM screen. They've got moxie, grit, gumption, know-how, savoir faire and a sukosh of that je ne sais quois that'll make you say "mein gott." Wordplay aside, you're in good hands here. Silly hands, but good hands.

Hang out with us and see dozens of subclasses everywhere we post stuff!

For more information or just to say hi, send us an email!
55 subclasses so far, and dozens more in development!
For the past few years, we've been hard at work making dozens of homebrew subclasses for DnD 5th Edition. Earlier this year we released our first folio of 12 subclasses and we haven't slowed down since!
The two of us are deeply invested in creating new ways for characters to turn their character decisions into gameplay features. And our solution is subclasses, and lots of them! When it comes to character creation, subclasses have that perfect mix of granularity and impact that helps make a character feel like it's special both in roleplay AND in combat.
So please, join us and take a look at our subclasses. Maybe drop in for a playest or let us help you break up some writers block on one of your own subclasses.